It is not fun to look in the mirror and notice that your teeth are different from what you remember. When did that happen? Maybe you're standing next to someone in a photograph, and you notice your friend's teeth are whiter in color than yours. Are your teeth looking yellow or brown?
Why my Teeth Are Turning Yellow
If your teeth are turning yellow, it could mean that the enamel on your teeth has been stained because of what you eat or drink. Some beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine contain powerful pigments that can change your teeth' color. Your teeth could also be yellowing due to an accumulation of plaque. In this case, your teeth may look dirty as well as yellow.
Why my Teeth Are Turning Brown
The color of your teeth will most likely darken with age. However, if your teeth are turning brown, it could mean that the enamel on your teeth is wearing away. The enamel is the outer layer of your teeth. Your teeth could also be stained brown if you are a smoker. Constant exposure to nicotine and tobacco products can change the color of your teeth. In addition, diet and medications can alter the color of your teeth, and they could turn brown. White or brown spots could also be a sign of tooth decay. Lastly, brown spots on your teeth could mean that you have celiac disease. Patients with celiac can even have a translucent hue to their teeth as well as pitting in their teeth.
We Want to Help You
Give us a call to set up your routine cleaning and check-up. If the discoloration on your teeth is caused by tartar or medical conditions, you will want to come to see us. We can assess your total oral health picture as well as help you in the right direction.
About Us | Dentist Battle Ground, WA | Excel Dental Your first step to a healthier, more beautiful smile is just a phone call away! Call Excel Dental in Battleground, WA to schedule an appointment today! Excel Dental - Burke Jardine, DMD, 1401 Northwest 1st St., Battleground, WA 98604 / (360) 369-3930 / / 2/12/2025 / Page Terms:dentist Battle Ground WA /