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Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

Posted on 11/7/2022 by Evan
Common Dental Emergencies and First AidTaking care of your oral health should be a priority at all times. This is because dental issues can cause you undue pain and suffering and prevent you from enjoying a quality life. One of the things that you can do is brush and floss daily. If you play a contact sport such as basketball or rugby, you should get a mouthguard to offer protection to your teeth and gums. You should also maintain your regular dental visits, for comprehensive oral health care.

Getting a tooth knocked out

Even with utmost preventive practices, you can experience a dental emergency. For instance, when engaged in sports you can get a tooth knocked out. This is a dental emergency that needs a calm mind to get through. If you get a tooth knocked out, you should locate the tooth, and try placing it back gently in its socket. Call our dentist immediately and schedule an appointment to get urgent care. If you cannot place the tooth back in its socket, you can place it in a glass of milk.

Broken Jaw

This is a common injury that you might experience in an accident, or by falling and hurting your mouth. The aim should be to reduce pain and swelling. Place a cold substance like an ice cube over the hurt area and seek immediate medical attention. Also, try not to move your jaw.

Severe Toothache

If you experience excruciating pain, it is a sign of a severe dental issue, and you should seek treatment from a qualified dental expert. Rinse your mouth with warm salty water which can wash out infections and alleviate your pain.

Contact us for comprehensive treatment

If you experience any dental emergency, you must get immediate help. Call us to book an appointment for urgent care. We will be ready to receive you and assist you to find effective treatment.

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