How Can I Make Sure I am Prepared for a First Tooth?
Posted on 8/15/2024 by Excel Dental
If you have been a parent for any length of time, you have heard horror stories about teething babies. While some of those stories are meant for entertainment, there is no question that teething babies can cause a few sleepless nights for new parents. If you are prepared, however, that first tooth will be just another amazing milestone for you to capture and share with your friends and family. Here are some tips for you and your teething baby.
When Do Babies Get Their First Tooth?
Some babies are actually born with a tooth or two. These teeth are called natal teeth, and they usually fall out within a couple of weeks of birth. The first baby tooth can erupt at any time between four months of age and their first birthday.
It also helps to know where you need to be looking for that first tooth to erupt. Usually, babies get their bottom two front teeth first, which are called incisors. Incisors are small and thin to help your child cut through their food.
What Signs Should I Look For?
There are some signs you can look for that hint that a tooth is about to erupt. First, your baby may become fussier than usual. You may also notice they are drooling a lot more than they used to. If you look at their bottom jaw, you may notice redness or swelling. Some children can appear flushed and may even run a low-grade fever when they have a tooth that is erupting.
How to Prepare
If you suspect your child may be ready to teethe, you can prepare ahead of time so you are ready when it happens. First, make sure you have drops for pain relief for your baby. Second, babies who are teething can benefit from products that soothe inflamed gums by providing topical pain relief. Babies love to gum objects when they are teething because it relieves the pressure on their gums. You can give them a frozen washcloth to chew on or a teething toy, such as a teething ring.
Are you worried about the teething process? Let us help. Reach out to our office today with your questions.
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