They can support partial and complete dentures, crowns, and dental bridges. Once finished, the dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. They can be taken care of just like natural teeth too and should be. Twice daily flossing and brushing is needed to extend the life of the implants and keep the supportive gum structure strong and disease free.
The dental implant restoration takes more than a single appointment. It is considered a minimally complicated dental procedure. One of the biggest benefits of having the implant procedure done is there are no diet restrictions like other restorative surgeries. Also, they are permanently secured to the patient’s jawbone so they will not slip out of place. We are here to answer all of your questions. Come in and talk with us, we are available at Excel Dental to help guide you through the process.
Dental Implant Components
Obviously, patients suffering from widespread tooth loss have a lot on their mind. Their anxiety and stress are through the roof. Teeth provide us with our smiles which is one of the ways we make a first impression. Dental implants can provide the peace of mind patients need. A permanent solution, the artificial teeth are secured to their jawbone and consist of three components.
While most patients know about some of the benefits dental implants can provide, they are likely unaware of what an implant is made of. It consists of three separate parts. The first part is embedded into the jawbone and known as the implant. It gives a foundation to the abutment which is the second component. The abutment provides the base for the third piece which is called the crown. It is the only section of the implant which can be seen above the gumline.
Placement Procedure
While there are two appointments to place the dental implants and they span more than a few months between, the end results are nothing short of amazing. Initially, at the first office visit, our staff will do an assessment, creating a treatment plan to be followed for the entire implant treatment.
Computer designed and computer manufactured, the artificial teeth will exactly fit the patient’s oral cavity. This is a big plus because they will not rub the soft tissue of the patient’s mouth raw because they do not fit correctly.

Dental Implant Procedure
A missing tooth doesn’t just impact your smile. It goes deeper, attacking your confidence and self-esteem. Your face masks many emotions and is the first thing people notice about your personality. Thus, a missing smile can say a thousand words. If you are missing your natural teeth, and have lost quite a few over the past couple of years, perhaps it is time to consider dental implants. By scheduling an appointment at Excel Dental, with Dr. Burke Jardine and Dr. Jardine, you can get examined for implants.
Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants
Finding the best replacement for your lost teeth can be challenging. You may need to consider various factors, including the replacement tooth material, placement, your jawbone’s condition, and oral health. While these factors may be deal breakers when choosing removable dentures, dental implants can eliminate most problems from the equation. Dr. Burke Jardine and Dr. Jardine at Excel Dental recommend evaluating the condition of your teeth before getting dental implants. We have covered the essential factors you must review before opting for dental implant surgery.
Patients dealing with tooth loss or who have periodontal disease should consider dental implants in their future. They are an excellent treatment option. Come in today for your evaluation so we can discuss all of the options relevant to your situation and how dental implants compare to a real tooth.
Schedule Your Appointment Today!
We are always here at Excel Dental and look forward to treating you. Give us a call now at (360) 369-3930 for the answers to your questions and to schedule your initial appointment for the assessment.